In Darkness A Light

In Darkness A Light

Sometimes I feel that Diwali is absolutely overrated. And at other times I feel that Diwali is the purpose behind everything else happening throughout the year. As if I celebrate other festivals only so that they can lead me to Diwali. The thought of it is a bliss!

 Diwali is a lot of hard work as well. It calls for cleaning, decorations, a lot of shopping and even more cooking. This Diwali there was just too much going on, I had dozens of things on my mind. I even felt as if I was just rushing from one thing to another.

Then in the evening, I lit up the very first diya and I felt the frenzy inside me going away. The light brought warmth and it brought calm. Now that I had this twinkling lamp in my hand, every ‘up and down the hill’ effort that I did throughout the day was worth it.

And it definitely felt special that I was sharing that moment with Mr B and Little B.

Here are some sights from my festival of lights –

Decorations for Diwali – Craft done by me and Little B from Eric Carle’s tissue paper project.

diwali Indian festival of lights

Mehndi on the eve of Diwali,

diwali Indian festival of lights

Early morning puja,

My Ganesha from Hampi,

The night,

diwali festival of lights

diwali festival of lights

diwali festival of lights

diwali festival of lights

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