Ain’t No Summer Without Popsicles!

Ain’t No Summer Without Popsicles!

I wanted to do the A to Z Challenge with a theme. 26 blogs for 26 days was a long time and I knew a theme would keep me focussed. The first theme that came to my mind was “Popsicles.” Yeah, I wanted to write recipes for 26 different kind of popsicles! I even did a little bit of ground work for that but finally dropped the idea because it didn’t seem feasible enough.

However because of all the research I did for popsicles, my heart kept coming back again and again to popsicles. All I wanted was to make some and slurp them up. Here’s what I finally came up with –

Lemonade Fruit Popsicles for Summer

What Will You Need

1 cup water

1/8 cup honey

¼ cup lemon juice

Sliced fruits

Popsicle molds

lemonade fruit popsicle recipe

lemonade fruit popsicle recipe

How To Go About It

Mix water, honey and lemon juice together in a container. Do a quick taste check and adjust ingredients according to your preference.

Drop down the fruit slices to the bottom of your popsicle molds. I dropped down kiwi slices in one, orange slices in another, pomegranate seeds in another and a mix of all three in another one.

Fill popsicle molds with lemonade an 1/8th inch above from the top.

lemonade popsicle recipe

Cap your popsicle mold and place in freezer overnight.

Run the popsicle mold under tap water with 10-15 seconds. Take the popsicle out from the mold by the gently pulling the popsicle stick.

Whenever the mercury gets unbearable, just take out lemonade fruit popsicles for summer and enjoy their sweet tangy fruity goodness.

fruit popsicle recipe

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