Tag: recipe

Zero Waste Cooking – Crispy Roasted Cauliflower Leaves

Zero Waste Cooking – Crispy Roasted Cauliflower Leaves

My journey towards a minimalist and environmentally conscious lifestyle has given me – the itch. This itch stops me from buying eggs that come from caged hens. This itch forces me to carry reusable cloth bags in my purse each time I head out to 

Cooking an Epic Vegan Chickpea Curry – Hot Food for Cold British Winters!

Cooking an Epic Vegan Chickpea Curry – Hot Food for Cold British Winters!

You might find it amusing that learnt to cook this chickpea curry not in India but here in the Britain. No one I know back in north-India cooks their chickpea curry with spinach and squash! Residing here in the UK, when I am discussing food 

McMuffins in the Time of Corona – Social Distancing in London

McMuffins in the Time of Corona – Social Distancing in London

20th March 2020, Social Distancing in London Day 2 I love having McMuffin at McDonald’s for breakfast. Don’t worry; I’m very well aware of the fact that this breakfast is neither the most delicious nor the healthiest. However, I do unapologetically admit that there are 

You Need to Make this Epic Cheesy Garlic Pull-Apart Bread Now

You Need to Make this Epic Cheesy Garlic Pull-Apart Bread Now

CheesyGarlic Pull-Apart Bread Would you guys believe if I told you that I took a break from cooking for almost two weeks? AND I took that break over the Christmas holidays which are supposed to be quite an important part of my yearly cooking calendar[ ! 

Pao Bhaji Masala Toast without making Pao Bhaji

Pao Bhaji Masala Toast without making Pao Bhaji

I had to mull over it for a while. For me, it is never easy thinking about what I want to be the first post of the year on my blog, or what I want to be the last. It is like that itty-bitty thought