Week-long Obsession Learning About Poppies and Remembrance Day

Week-long Obsession Learning About Poppies and Remembrance Day

Little B came back from her school and was talking about buying a pin or a wrist band for charity. She wanted me to give her either £1 or £20 or £50 for contributing to the charity. My girl is so funny, she understands “charity” 

Lenovo CG Slate – When Technology Makes Learning Fun for Kids

Lenovo CG Slate – When Technology Makes Learning Fun for Kids

It has been countless number of times when I had a discussion with fellow mothers about educational tablets. To tell you frankly, I always had concerns about whether we really need a tablet to teach certain things to kids. I accept that the complex concepts 

Pipe Cleaner Bracelet for Fourth of July Craft

Pipe Cleaner Bracelet for Fourth of July Craft

4th of July was the Independence Day for the United States. Little B and I were exploring flags from countries around the world, including the USA. I thought it would be a good idea to do a quick craft so that Little B remembers the 

Science Is Awesome Because It Teaches Failure

Science Is Awesome Because It Teaches Failure

My daughter and I are obsessed with science. It is something that is always encouraged at my house. Not because “science” will make my daughter “intelligent;” but because “science” is a way of life and it will make her “rational.” Almost every day she has 

Why and How of Teaching Entrepreneurship To Kids

Why and How of Teaching Entrepreneurship To Kids

About two years back, I got irritated working in the regular 9 to 5 grind. It felt that whatever I was doing, I was doing for somebody else – working for somebody else, working on somebody else’s idea and working to meet somebody else’s goal. 

3 Books That Fathers Will Surely Love! FATHER’S DAY GIFT SPECIAL!

3 Books That Fathers Will Surely Love! FATHER’S DAY GIFT SPECIAL!

Hey everybody! Presenting to you guys my first ever (almost!) YouTube video! I have 3 books in my mind which I think will make an excellent Father’s Day gift for fathers who love reading. 2 of these are my all time favorites and I have 

Bedtime Went Viral! And Here’s Our Bedtime Routine!

Bedtime Went Viral! And Here’s Our Bedtime Routine!

It happened about a year ago when an elementary school in Wisconsin, USA posted this on their Facebook page – Titled “At what time should your child go to bed?,” this was just a chart suggesting sleep times for kids. I have seen many other 

Dietary Diversification For Healthy Childhood – IndiBlogger and Horlicks Meet

Dietary Diversification For Healthy Childhood – IndiBlogger and Horlicks Meet

The biggest “fuss” in my life as a mother is food. Continuous struggle, day and night and night and day, just to make sure every nutrient reaches my daughter’s plate and then goes inside her tummy.  Yes, cooking a nutrient-rich meal and my daughter eating 

Zoo Visits With Kids Tips and Tricks

Zoo Visits With Kids Tips and Tricks

(This article “Zoo Visits With Kids Tips and Tricks” is a reblog and was written especially for Kelloggs Chocos and MyCity4Kids.com. You can read the article at its original source at my parenting blog at MyCity4Kids.com here.) 6 months after my daughter was born, we 

Xigua Print For Recycling Folding Wooden Hand Fan

Xigua Print For Recycling Folding Wooden Hand Fan

Recycling folding wooden hand fan was another long due project for me. Little B has a beautiful wooden fan with intricate carving. The fan has been with her for the last few years and so it has stopped appealing to her. I was thinking of